A Fourth Friday Finale

It’s about 9:13 and I’m situated at the top of a small hill near a
local Target in Penfield, NY all set up for my first attempt at
photographing fireworks!

I’m not certain exactly where the fireworks will be launched from, so
here’s wishing. 🙂

The moon is really cool looking; there’s barely a sliver visible. It
looks great against the almost-twilight sky!

There’s about 40 minutes til launch now. 🙂

I’ll post some photographs of my initial attempt as soon as I get home.

Wish me luck! 😉

A Fourth Afternoon

I’m blogging from the Webster Arboretum where I’m spending a few hours
taking some photographs of the incredibly gorgeous gardens.

There’s actually a wedding reception being held here too! I wonder who
their wedding photographer is. 🙂

My next stop will be to grab some lunch. Taking photos can really wear
a photographer down, taking wedding photos or not!

Check back later! 🙂